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Hopkinton Little League

Hopkinton Little League

HLL Spring Schedules

DateAway TeamHome TeamTimeLocation/Field
04/26/2025T-Ball Mighty MusselsT-Ball Bulls10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Colella
04/26/2025T-Ball Red WingsT-Ball Emeralds10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / McIntyre
04/26/2025T-Ball GrasshoppersT-Ball River Dogs10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Egan
04/26/2025T-Ball Tin CapsT-Ball Grizzlies10:15AM - 11:15AMCarrigan Fields / Carrigan 2
05/03/2025T-Ball BullsT-Ball Red Wings10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Colella
05/03/2025T-Ball EmeraldsT-Ball Tin Caps10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / McIntyre
05/03/2025T-Ball GrizzliesT-Ball Grasshoppers10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Egan
05/03/2025T-Ball River DogsT-Ball Mighty Mussels10:15AM - 11:15AMCarrigan Fields / Carrigan 2
05/10/2025T-Ball Mighty MusselsT-Ball Grizzlies10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Colella
05/10/2025T-Ball River DogsT-Ball Bulls10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / McIntyre
05/10/2025T-Ball GrasshoppersT-Ball Emeralds10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Egan
05/10/2025T-Ball Tin CapsT-Ball Red Wings10:15AM - 11:15AMCarrigan Fields / Carrigan 2
05/17/2025T-Ball GrizzliesT-Ball River Dogs10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Colella
05/17/2025T-Ball BullsT-Ball Tin Caps10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / McIntyre
05/17/2025T-Ball Red WingsT-Ball Grasshoppers10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Egan
05/17/2025T-Ball EmeraldsT-Ball Mighty Mussels10:15AM - 11:15AMCarrigan Fields / Carrigan 2
05/31/2025T-Ball GrizzliesT-Ball Bulls10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Colella
05/31/2025T-Ball River DogsT-Ball Emeralds10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / McIntyre
05/31/2025T-Ball Mighty MusselsT-Ball Red Wings10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Egan
05/31/2025T-Ball GrasshoppersT-Ball Tin Caps10:15AM - 11:15AMCarrigan Fields / Carrigan 2
06/07/2025T-Ball EmeraldsT-Ball Grizzlies10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Colella
06/07/2025T-Ball Tin CapsT-Ball Mighty Mussels10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / McIntyre
06/07/2025T-Ball Red WingsT-Ball River Dogs10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Egan
06/07/2025T-Ball BullsT-Ball Grasshoppers10:15AM - 11:15AMCarrigan Fields / Carrigan 2
06/14/2025T-Ball Mighty MusselsT-Ball Grasshoppers10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Colella
06/14/2025T-Ball GrizzliesT-Ball Red Wings10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / McIntyre
06/14/2025T-Ball River DogsT-Ball Tin Caps10:15AM - 11:15AMEMC Fields / Egan
06/14/2025T-Ball EmeraldsT-Ball Bulls10:15AM - 11:15AMCarrigan Fields / Carrigan 2

Note: Highlighted Team(s) belong to Divisions expired before specified Match Date.



Hopkinton Little League
PO Box 32 
Hopkinton, Massachusetts 01748

Email: [email protected]

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